Place the snow chain on the wheel so that the arms spread out in an x shape. Lay the chain on the tyres so that the cross touches the wheel rim.
Decide which wheel bolt is furthest to the right, looking at the rim head on.
Insert the fixing system washer to the bolt.
Hold the rod with the red knob on its end tightly pointing downwards. Fully tighten the hand wheel in a clockwise direction.
With one hand on the hand wheel and the other on the red knob. Turn the hand wheel and the rod together in a clockwise direction until the rod with the red knob on it is lined up with the centre of the wheel. Pull on the hand wheel to check it is right.
Attach the rubber tensioner on the yellow chain to the red hook on one of the arms.
Push the cross towards the centre so that the yellow chain runs on the red central block until it has no more than 3 links of chain.
Start the car, trak will automatically position itself around the tyre after few dozen meters. If you are in a car park or in a deep snow, move the car several times backward and forward a meter and if necessary push on the arm of the cross to help the trak chain rise.